The Herald on The Herald

seem to have had two reporters -- at least about half the articles are signed "AU REVOIR, and articles so identifed seem more hostile to the Millerites. Mention special "EXTRA" edition published on 16 November 1842, with illustrations, and again smaller EXTRA in 1843

Front Page for Extra
New York Herald
, 16 November 1842
  • Miller's Camp Meeting at Salem, Mass. (22 October)
  • The Great Miller Camp Meeting at Newark (10 November)
  • The Millennium at the Five Points (11 November)
  • Brownlee's Sermon Against the Millerites (11 November)
  • The Great Camp Meeting (13 November)
  • The Great Camp Meeting (14 November)
  • The Great Camp Meeting, Closing Scenes (15 November)
  • Millerism and Insanity (24 March 1843)

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