Book Reviews

This is the template to follow when e-mailing me your reviews. The unitalicized stuff below is the html tagging. Just copy exactly what's here, replacing the italicized stuff with the particulars of your report. If you type it first in a word-processing program like WordPerfect or MicrosoftWord, you'll have to convert it to an ASCII or DOS or TEXT file in order to append it successfully to an e-mail message. Then just e-mail it to me at

<title>your names's Report</title>

<body background="815rbak.jpg">

<font size=+2>
<b>title (in quotation marks) of chapter, or article, or essay</b>, by author<br>
for chapters: title of book it's from, place of publication: publisher, date: number of pages; for articles: periodical (in italics), volume number, date (in parentheses): page numbers</font> <br><br>

<font size=+1>

<center> Reviewed by your name</center></font><br><br>

Your report goes here. Whenever you want to italicize a book or journal title, use <i>title</i>. At the beginning of each paragraph put <blockquote>, and at the end of each paragraph put </blockquote> -- that will give your review margins, and make it easier to read over the web.

<hr width="35%">
