We've tried to make this site friendly to all kinds of users, with all kinds of computers and connections to the Internet. To take the best advantage of the multi-media material -- playable songs, viewable movies, openable books, etc. -- you should consider equipping yourself with the following commericially produced but freely available players.


The playable songs in this site are available in two different file formats -- .wav, which provides the best quality and which can be played on most web browsers (including Netscape and Internet Explorer); and .ra, which doesn't sound as good but uses smaller files that play as they stream, so users with modems can hear the songs much more quickly. (If you have an older modem, you should probably use the smaller of the two available .ra files.)
The .ra format requires the newer RealAudio plugins to play; if you don't already have one installed, you can acquire it from the RealAudio site, and you can go there by clicking on the icon at left.


To play the site's movie clips, or see the 3-dimensional images of the editions of Uncle Tom's Cabin or the "Tomitudes" -- the figures and statuettes that were sold to merchandize the novel's popularity -- requires the QuickTime player. If you don't already have it installed, you can download a copy of the program by clicking on the icon at left, which will take you to the Apple site.


In the CHILDREN'S GAMES section of the archive's Tomitudes is a 3D model of the Milton Bradley "Toy Village" (c. 1905), which included an "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and several black figures. To view and manipulate this 3D program, you'll need another free plugin, the Cortona Web3D Viewer. You can acquire that by clicking on the icon at below left.


To date (14 July 2005) only two programs in the archive require Macromedia Flash (version 7 or higher) -- a digital production of UTC as a Magic Lantern Show, and an animation sequence of "The Grand Allegorical Transformation Scene" from an early 20th century "Tom Show." If you don't already have a recent version of Flash installed, you can download one by clicking on the icon at left, which will take you to Macromedia's Flash download page.