De Bow's Review

James D. B. DeBow began this magazine in New Orleans in 1846 as the Commerical Review of the South and West. He moved it to Washington, D.C., between 1853 and 1857 (during his tenure as Head of the U.S. Census). By the start of the Civil War it was the most widely circulated southern periodical.

DeBow wrote much of each issue himself. Born in Charleston, S.C., he was an ardent champion of slavery; his review even published an article in the 1850s that urged the South to resume the African slave trade.

  • Fugitive Slave Law (September 1852)
  • Notice about Anti-Tom Novel (October 1852)
  • Notice about Anti-Tom Novel (December 1852)
  • Notice about Anti-Tom Novel (January 1853)
  • British Philanthropy & American Slavery (March 1853)
  • Note Upon Uncle Tom's Cabin (March 1853)
  • Notice about Anti-Tom Novel (April 1853)
  • The Queen's Dream (July 1853)
  • Southern Slavery and Its Assailants (November 1853)
  • Stowe's Popularity in England (December 1853)
  • Southern Slavery & Its Assailants (January 1854)
  • Practical Effects of Emancipation (May 1855)
  • A New UTC for England (May 1857)
  • Delusions of Fanaticism (July 1860)

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