
Draper's UTC Co. [back]

Back of advertising card for Draper's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. Caption: "Corinthian Academy of Music. One Week! Commencing Monday April 2nd 1883. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons. The genuine, original and only Draper's Boston Double Mammoth Uncle Tom's Cabin Company, originator of all the new and novel features now being imitated by numerous mushroom companies throughout the country—among which are: 2-Famous Topsys-2; 2-Lawyer Marks-2; 8-Jubilee Singers-8; 6-Bloodhounds-6; 2-Trick Donkeys-2; 30-Talented Artists-30; The Great Floating Ice Scene; The Grand Allegorical Transformation Scene, Eva in Heaven. Notwithstanding the fact that this is the great original and only Boston Double Mammoth Uncle Tom's Cabin Company, the following extremely low scale of prices will be adopted: EVENING, 25 and 35 cents, no higher; WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MATINEES, 25 cents to all parts of the house."