Uncle Tom's Cabin
George F. Rowe, for Messrs. Jarrett & Palmer
Printed for Private Circulation Only, 1878


  (A wretched cabin. Near C a bed of old cotton sacks, in recess, with a ragged mat to drop before it. Doors set L and R obliquely.)

(Music. Uncle Tom discovered in the bed emaciated. Cassy waiting on him. Emmeline watching at the door, L.)

  CAS. Drink, poor soul, drink this—water—it's all I have to give you.


  TOM. (Feebly) Bress you, Missis, it's all I need, for de hand of death is on me; my troubles will soon be over.

  CAS. Oh, that I could end mine, too! Death is our only deliverance from this accursed spot of earth.

  EM. (Terrified) Cassy! If you desert me, what could I do, but die too.

  CAS. And you so young. Well, it may be—it is left me to avenge you both.

  TOM. No—no! Suffer; be patient; and bide the Lord's time.

  CAS. (Gloomily) The face of Heaven is averted, or Heaven would not suffer one wretch to torture hundreds, as he does daily. Simon Legree shall not live. My mission is to destroy him.

  EM. No—no!

  TOM. (Painfully rising, in tears.) No; ye mustn't do that! Remember Him who shed no blood but his own; and that he poured out freely for his enemies.

  CAS. He was not mortal. I have lost child, home, hope, everything; and my soul is mad and desperate now.

  TOM. Pray, Missis; pray. I, too, have lost wife and chil'n. I shall never see them again—never. Oh, if I could only let them know—that I'm at rest, I'd have nothing else to wish for!

  CAS. Tell me where they live. I will write for you.

  TOM. At Mas'r Shelby's, in Kintuck.

  CAS. Shelby! That's strange! It was a planter named Shelby who bought my little girl, Eliza, eighteen years ago.

  TOM. Where?

  CAS. In New Orleans.

  TOM. There, bress de Lord, for dar's comfort for yar suffering heart. I remember de time well when Mas'r Shelby brought de little one home to de plantation.

  CAS. Oh! and does she live?

  TOM. She grew up good and beautiful, and was married to a good man before I left de ole home.

  CAS. Thank God!

(Falls on her knees.

  TOM. I hear a voice. It is Masr's! He is coming here.

  CAS. (Seizing Emmy, she is terrified.) Come away, then, come away. I must not meet him, or this knife (she draws a stiletto, Emmeline seizes her hand, and drags her out at door R., as Legree enters L., Sambo at the door with a whip and rope)

  LEG. Stop thar, till I see if the old black thief 'll give in. Well, Tom, ye ain't so crank as ye was at this time yesterday, eh? Ye couldn't treat a sinner to another short sermon, could ye, eh, ha, ha, ha!

  TOM. Ise too weak to say much, Mas'r.

  LEG. So you'll give in, I reckon, and do as I tell ye, eh? Ha! ha!

  TOM. I'll give ye the work of my hands, Mas'r, but my soul I'll not sell to mortal man.


  LEG. Oh, you aint broke yet—aint ye? How would ye like to be tied to a tree and have a slow fire lit under ye, eh?

  TOM. I'm not afraid to die, Mas'r. Ye may flog me, starve me, burn me, if you like; it will only send me the sooner where I want to go.

  LEG. I'll see about that. Git up, you black cuss.

(Music. Tom tries to rise as Legree stands over him with the whip. Cassy appears threateningly at the door, R. Sambo enters, L)

  SAM. Mas'r, dar's two gemmen axing for ye out dar.

  LEG. Who are they? No matter. Tell 'em I'll come.

(He drops the mat which screens Uncle Tom in the recess. Enter George Shelby and George Harris.)

  LEG. Hello!

  SHEL. You are Simon Legree?

  LEG. Yes. Who are you?

  SHEL. George Shelby of Kentucky. I understand you bought a slave called Tom—one of the late Mr. St. Clair's people. He used to belong to my father, and my errand here is to buy him back, if possible.

  LEG. Yes, I did buy such a fellow, and a bad bargain I got too. The most rebellious rascal I ever owned; and I've just given him the heaviest whipping I ever gave a nigger. I b'lieve he's a trying to die; but I don't know how he'll fix it.

(Enter Marks

  MARKS. Simon Legree——

  LEG. Marks!

  MARKS. I want you! How will you fix that?

  LEG. What d'ye mean?

  MARKS. I want you for the murder of Augustine St. Clair! Here's the warrant, issued on my evidence.

  LEG. Your evidence! You lying thief!

(Legree rushes on Marks with his whip. Marks draws a pistol and cries "Constable." The constable enters.)

  MARKS. Now, Simon, respect the law; one thousand dollars cash or to jail ye go.

  LEG. Stand from the door, or I'll murder ye.

  MARKS. Try it, Simon, try it!

(Legree rushes to the other door, when he is confronted by Cassy with the drawn knife.)

  CAS. Move, and I'll plunge this in your vile heart!

(Legree seizes her, flings her to the centre of stage, and is rushing out at L door when)

  MARKS. Shoot him. (They fire. He falls) Oh, Simon, you'd better have paid that thousand, I fancy!


  LEG. B-l-ast ye! B-l——- (Dies)

  SHEL. But where is Tom?

  TOM. (Heard) Here, Mas'r George! here!

(Shelby tears back the mat; and seeing Tom, falls on his knees)

  SHEL. Oh, Uncle Tom! Dear old friend! Do I find you thus?

  TOM. Mas'r George, dis is all I wanted. I shall die happy now. George Harris, is it?

  GEO. (Taking his hand) Yes, dear Uncle Tom.

  TOM. Whar's Cassy? See—see—dar is de man who married your Eliza.

  CAS. (Kissing his hand) You, Mas'r?

  GEO. Don't call me Mas'r—I was once a slave like you. Yes, I married a girl called Eliza de Thoux.

  CAS. My child! does she live?

  GEO. Yes, and is a free woman.

  CAS. (Falling on her knees) Thank God!

  TOM. Trust in Him always, Cassy; trust in Him, and He'll give you de victory!

  SHEL. Oh, Tom! Live, live for my sake! For your children!

  TOM. De chil'n! Too late, Mas'r George, it's too late, but Ise so happy. De gates of de kingdom is opening for me. Dar's Miss Evy holding out her little hand. We shall all meet there soon. My love to all. Good-bye.

(He dies.

The characters kneel and the scene sinks and discovers Eva in the heavens surrounded by angels. A song of triumph by the