Some 2D Staffordshire Figures

"George & Eliza Harris"
Courtesy Elinor Penna.

  The Staffordshire figures on this page are all different from the figures available on the 3D UNCLE TOMITUDES page, except for the one labeled "Chloe or Cassy." There is a 3D VERSION of that, differently colored. Since the female figure is clearly a companion piece to one of TOM WITH A BIBLE, it must be either Cassy or Chloe. The figure's body language suggests Cassy to me, which is the way collector Mary Schlosser identifies the 3D figure, but Elinor Penna, who owns the figure on this page, identifies it as Chloe. Either is possible.

  • George & Eliza Harris
  • Ophelia & Topsy (paired with next)
  • Eva & Tom (paired with previous)
  • Aunt Chloe
  • Chloe or Cassy
  • Eva with Tom (manacled)
  • Eva & Tom (writing)
  • Eva & Uncle Tom
  • Uncle Tom (with Eva)

  • Go to site homepage. Return to the homepage for this section. Go to next Tomitude.