The New York Times
25 April 1903


   "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is to be eliminated from the catalogue of the class libraries in the public schools in this city, it being the impression of the associate City Superintendents and the Superintendent of Libraries, Claud G. Leland, that the story of Mrs. Stowe served its purpose years ago, and that the sooner the tragedies of this civil war are forgotten the better it will be for the United States.

   This decision was reached at a lively meeting of the Associated City Superintendents at a meeting held on Wednesday. Claud G. Leland, who was present at the meeting when "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was cut from the list of works to be read by children, is alleged to have been responsible for the action of the body, as the new catalogues is under his direct supervision. When seen yesterday he refused to say anything in regard in the matter. One of the Superintendents said that the ballot resulted in a tie and that Mr. Leland cast the deciding vote. Several of the Superintendents who came from New England were violent in their protests, but to no avail. They insisted that the children of the North should know and love the historic novel, as the children of the South are taught to cherish the stories of those who fought for their States as against the Federation of States. They are not satisfied with the result of the ballot and intend to fight for the restoration of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to the catalogue, arguing that with the great proportion of children of foreign birth the lessons of the civil war should be learned, and that the purpose of the North in fighting against the disintegration of the Union should be a part of the information of the new citizens of foreign parentage.