The New York Times
18 April 1877


  At the Fifty-seventh Street Police Court, yesterday, Charles W. Remington, carrying on business at No. 15 Stone-street, was charged with drunkenness. His arrest was brought about by a disturbance at the Lexington-Avenue Opera-house, on Monday night. A performance of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” had been advertised to take place there and then, but up to 9 o’clock, the curtain had not been raised, and the delay excited the people assembled to a noisy demonstration. This educed the announcement that, in consequence of the smallness of the receipts, there would be no performance. A general rush for the cashier’s office ensued: and the prisoner, who was money-taker, being found inebriated, he escaped serious handling only by the interposition of the Police who were much embarrassed by the aggressive action of the crowd while conducting him to the Station-house. It was alleged that the "manager" of the proposed performance had decamped with the money taken at the doors. Judge Smith trenchantly animadverted on the conduct of the prisoner and discharged him