The Clipper
New York: 3 June 1876

  GEORGE L. AIKEN died of ditpheria in Jersey City Heights, N. J., during the week ending May 13, intelligence of which has just reached us. He was born in Boston, Mass., Dec. 19, 1830, and made his first appearance on any stage in June, 1848, as Ferdinand in "The Six Degrees of Crime," in Providence, R. I. He then performed for some time in the New England circuit, under various managers, and there he learned the rudiments of the dramatic art. In 1852 he joined the stock company of the National Theatre in Boston, Mass., and remained there a few seasons. In 1857 he was acting in Charleston, S. C., where he was a great favorite. In August, 1860, he made his first appearance in Philadelphia, Pa., at the Arch-street Theatre, and remained there during that season. The following season he was engaged at Barnum's Museum in this city as the dramatist of the theatre. Several pieces from his pen were successfully produced there. In April 1862, he was associate manager of the theatre in Troy, N. Y. Subsequently he acted in the principal cities of the West, and while playing at Pike's Opera-house, Cincinnati, O., he won the love of a daughter of a prominent clergyman in that city, and subsequently married her. A short time thereafter, finding that he was not likely to attain that position in the dramatic profession to which his ambition aspired, he left the stage, and thereafter up to the time of his demise he was engaged in literary pursuits. He contributed a great number of stories to the weekly papers in this city and Boston, Mass., besides writing occasionally for magazines. Shortly after his debut on the stage he commenced his labors as a dramatist. He gave dramatic form to many Ledger stories in the zenith of their popularity, and his version of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was conceded to be the best before the public. It was his version which had such a prolonged run at the National Theatre in this city. To give anything like a complete list of his pieces would be impossible. He successfully produced more plays of his own than any man of the same age in this country. He left a widow (we cannot say how many children), a mother, and two brothers—Frank E. and Albert L.—both of whom have been seen on the dramatic stage, and the former is still acting in the West.