The Washington Post
Eliza Putnam Heaton
Washington, D.C.: 16 January 1887


Special Correspondence of THE POST.

  Dr. Hedge's characterization of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," in a recent article of the Forum, as a "once famous but now forgotten book," hardly agrees with the vote taken upon the question of the most popular American authors at a New York women's club the other day. I was surprised on that occasion to see vote after vote piled up for Mrs. Stowe, until in the list of five names submitted by each woman present, hers was not in a single instance wanting. Mentioning the subject to a bookseller the other day, he assured me that the sales of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" still average well, and that it might surprise Dr. Hedge to hear that 75,000 copies had been sold of the popular $1 edition published last year.