The Washington Post
Unsigned Notice
Washington, D.C.: 13 August 1893


John Temple Graves' Solution of the Southern Race Problem.

  CHAUTAUQUA, N. Y., Aug. 12.—John Temple Graves, the successor of Henry W. Grady as leading editorial contributor to the Atlanta Constitution, lectured again here this morning on "The Uncle Tom's Cabin," which was a discussion of the negro problem. Mr. Graves is a grand nephew of John. C. Calhoun, the great champion of State rights and Southern interests. His lecture has produced more excitement, sensation, and discussion than any delivered here in years. It was dramatic at times, and at others invective as fierce as ever Cataline uttered fell from the lips of the speaker. Oratorically speaking, it was a magnificent effort. He discussed the problem at length, and then proposed a theory for its solution, which was briefly:

  Let the Government set aside, out of its vast public domains, a large territory for a sovereign State to be officered and controlled exclusively by the negroes and no whites to have the right to vote therein, the Government to maintain troops to preserve order. The only price the negro need pay for this privilege would be his right to vote in any other State.

  Mr. Graves pronounced the present plan a failure and the ballot in the hands of the negro, under present conditions, an emasculated mockery. He said the negro could not compete with the white, but in competition with his kind, his greatest development would be obtained.

  "We owe it to his loyalty in war and his docility in peace to protect him thus. But this is a problem of safety, of domestic tranquillity, of national unity, the greatest problem facing the people of this transcendent age. The edict has gone forth that this is a white man's government, and it will remain so forever, for God Almighty has stamped his seal and sign of sovereignty upon the Anglo-Saxon tribe."

  The old amphitheater rang with applause at the conclusion of Mr. Graves' remarks.