Scribner's Monthly
William H. Rideing
New York: Scribner and son, August 1880

[from] Curiosities of Advertising

  . . . In addition to his bill-boards, the sandwich man carries in glass cases sample boots, sample shirts, sample weather-strips, and a variety of other incumbrances; but his strength is human, and when the advertiser to whom he belongs wishes to make what he would call a "splurge," he supersedes him, or compliments him by a wagon with various devices erected upon it. When "Pinafore" was being played at a west-side theater, a full-rigged frigate, at least eight feet long, was carted through the principal avenues of traffic as a counterfeit presentment of that famous vessel; when "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was revived at the Grand Opera House, a large truck was seen in the streets with a little log house built upon it, and out of the window an old negro with white hair was peering; when the Modoc war was dramatized at the Old Bowery Theater, a detachment of real Indians, with the genuine brogue of Killarney, were displayed in Broadway on fine afternoons; and at all times elaborate exhibitions are made on wheeled vehicles by certain tradesmen.