The National Era
Two Letters
Washington, D.C.: 22 January 1852

Extract of a letter, dated

FULTON, OSWEGO CO., N.Y. December 15, 1851.

  Weekly, as the Era arrives, our family, consisting of twelve individuals, is called together to listen to the reading of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." This, probably is all the comment necessary on the acceptability of Mrs. Stowe as a writer. The other matter contained in your paper is also very acceptable. It is really refreshing, after the labors of the week, (which you know must be arduous, if you have been an instructor in a seminary of 200 to 250 students,) to sit down Friday evening to peruse your excellent paper.

  Twelve readers to one papers. Some families are smaller. In some cases there may be but one reader. On an average, there are probably five readers to one copy; which would give us a weekly audience of near ninety thousand souls.—Ed. Era.

  The National Era is the best paper in the Union; and "Uncle Tom's Cabin," for length, breadth, finish, and furniture, goes ahead of all Cabins. And the voices of free men, everywhere, cry, to the fair authoress, "Write!"


  This is pretty strong praise, to come from Kentucky; but Kentuckians never do things by halves.—Ed. Era.