"UNCLE TOM'S CABIN"—CONSIDERATIONS FOR AUTHORS.—The New York Evening Post, commenting upon the almost unprecedented sale of Mrs. Stowe's great work, submits some considerations deserving the attention of authors: "In tendering our congratulations to the gifted and fortunate authoress of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,' we take leave to suggest a word of advice to authors in general, suggested by these facts. Had Mrs. Stowe taken her MS. in the usual way to a book maker to be published, and had it appeared as a work of a stranger, or at least of a writer of no ascertained position in the world of letters, it probably would not yet have found three hundred readers. It would have cost half the expenses of printing it, to get public attention directed to it at all; and we doubt if it would ever have attained the circulation which, with little or no cost, it reached within two weeks after it was printed. "The reason of its full-grown popularity at its birth is, that the book was brought to the notice of from fifteen to twenty thousand people every week through the columns of the journal, and thus had actually received, and without any expense, more advertising before it was printed, than any book ever receives when published in the ordinary way. This fortunate circumstance has created a market in the United States for anything this lady may write, and has spared her that long and distressing period of probation through which new authors have to linger, waiting for the tardy and often reversible verdict of an indifferent public." The work was brought to the notice of some sixty or seventy thousand people, instead of fifteen or twenty thousand. To us it is a pleasing thought, that the two greatest and most successful novelists among the women of this country, have made their first appearance, as such, in the columns of the National Era. |