The Liberator
Boston: 4 August 1854

From the Dover Morning Star.


  At four o'clock on the morning of the late anniversary of the nation's birth, amid the ringing of bells, the smoke of gunpowder, and other indications of the celebration about to come off in Augusta, we left for East Livermore. We might then have had a celebration at home, but preferring one of a different stamp, a live one, we joined the ladies of East Livermore: and we can assure our readers that we did not then, nor do we now, regret the choice made.

  It may be known, if not, it should be, that the women of Maine, uniting the two ideas of Liberty and Temperance, have been employed for two or three years past in organizing Societies on this broad platform. How successful they have been, the meeting at East Livermore, on the 4th of July, will answer. It was held on the 'old camp ground,' so called, a beautiful spot of the forest, owned by our Methodist brethren, and used by them for their camp meetings. Full ten thousand persons were present--men, women and children--a train of twenty cars, drawn by two engines, came from the direction of Portland, and it was estimated that five thousand ate at the public tables. These tables were two in number, each five hundred and fifty feet in length--eleven hundred feet in all--and were generously spread for the multitude, by the ladies, without charge.

  The platform, or preachers' stand, was literally covered over with banners; the trees also bore the same rich fruit, for banners were suspended from them. These banners were got up in fine taste, and bore inscriptions suitable to the day and the principles represented. Some of these inscriptions we pencilled down for the good of our readers:--

  'Maine Daughters of Freedom, all men are created equal, our brothers'--'We are all for Freedom'--'No Compromise with Slavery'--'John P. Hale for President in 1856'--'Liberty and Temperance'--'Hale and Liberty'--'The deed is done.' (craped in mourning)--'Eternal infamy to Douglas and his followers'--'Welcome to the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin'--'Mrs. H. B. Stowe, a model for every American woman'--'The flame of 1776 burns bright in 1854'--'We are ready for action'--'W. Vill, New Portland, No. 8, Mrs. Butts'--'Peru Ladies' A. S. Society, organized Sept. 14, 1853'--'Toil, ye friends of Freedom, toil, your message to fulfil'--'Love and Truth, guide our youth.'

  Rev. D. B. Randall, of the Methodist church, grandson of Benjamin Randall, acted as President of the day; and after music by the band, singing by the choir, and prayer by Rev. Mr. Nickerson, the following sentiments were read, which received responses from various speakers:--

  The Fourth of July--May it soon dawn on a land of freedom.

  The Liberty Girls of Maine--Helpers meet to the toilers in Freedom's holy cause.

  The Author of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin.'--Religious and political serviles will be compelled to cry out that 'A woman slew them.'

  The Ladies' Anti-Slavery Societies--Baking the dough-faces.

  Americans in Chains--We remember them to-day.

  The Author of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin.'--We greet her here with the heartiest welcome.

  The Infamous Nebraska and Fugitive Slave Acts--They shall be repealed.

  Freedom and Temperance--One and inseparable, now and forever.

  The Motto of the People--The Union of all for the protection of all.

  The Orator of the Day--The Patrick Henry of the second revolution.

  Mrs. Stowe was publicly introduced, and her husband, Prof. Stowe, made an excellent speech. Mr. Stowe said the day of compromise had passed by--an open war with slavery had now commenced--we had brought up our children wrong--we had brought them up to believe that what was done in favor of slavery was right, and what was done in favor of liberty was wrong. What had Congress done! Aggression after aggression--worse and worse--and we had acquiesced. Freemen of the North, shall it be so longer? The senior editor of the Journal of Commerce is the son of a New England clergyman--so is the junior editor. We have not done our duty. We must train our children to the principles of liberty, as the South do theirs to the principle of slavery. But it is not too late. Let us put an end to the race of doughfaces. Let us send no more men to Congress who are not fully baked. Members of Congress need courage, like that of soldiers on the battle-field.--There are many men at the North that could never rise by their own merits, that do rise by courting the Slave Power. The repeal of the Missouri Compromise reminded him of Sambo's friend, who wanted half of Sambo's blanket. 'You have got half of it,' said Sambo. 'I know that, you fool of a Sambo,' said he, 'but I want the other half! 'Tis the other half I want.'

  Prof. Stowe also said that it was fit that Maine, having taken the lead in the Temperance cause, should go bravely forward in the Anti-Slaavery reform--that every word of Uncle Tom's Cabin was written in Maine. He spoke, too, of the progress of temperance in England, and of the duty of American women on the subject of temperance to their sisters in England--that English women would receive their communications kindly. Mr. Stowe took his seat in the midst of loud cheers for himself and for the 'author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.'

  In the afternoon, Mr. Hale, 'the orator of the day,' and whom the women of Maine declare to be 'the Patrick Henry of the second revolution,' made one of his best speeches. It was about an hour and a half in length, and told with tremendous power upon the thousands before him. Mr. Hale spoke strongly in favor of a union of all men of all parties to resist the continued demands of slavery. He also dwelt upon the influence of woman, her duty to the slave, and her duty to her country. Mr. Hale was waited upon the ground by the sweet strains of the Buckfield Brass Band, the wild woods ringing with loud hurras. Other able speakers addressed the meeting, such as Rev. B. D. Peck, of Portland, Dr. Parsons, of Windham, Dr. Farrar and Rev. A. Willey, of Portland, and Gen. Perry, of Oxford county. Gen. Perry said he had acquiesced heretofore--he had voted for Gen. Pierce, standing on the Baltimore platform--but should do so no more--he hoped God would forgive him--he detested the Fugitive Slave Law--he was ready to make war against slavery--all men who loved their country should unite.

  Gen. Perry has been one of the most influential men of the Democratic party in Maine.

  Mrs. Stowe was chosen Corresponding Secretary of the Maine Ladies' Temperance and Anti-Slavery Association, which office she has accepted, and, we understand, is to answer the letter of the women of England, addressed to American women.