The New York Times
Unsigned Article
26 September 1854


Trotting on the Union and Centreville Courses, L.I.

  Three trotting matches came off yesterday on the Union Course and one on the Centreville Course. The first race on the Union was for $200, mile heats, between Mr. PEARSALL's b. m. Kate and H. WOODRUFF's s. g. Rigger. There was little betting on the race, neither horses being known among the patrons of the turf. Rigger proved victorious. The second race was a match for $2000, between JOHN NELSON's bk. g. Ed Hyde and H. WOODRUFF's b. g. Billy, three miles and to repeat, to wagons. The third was a match for $600, between the b. m. Lady Williams and the br. g. Uncle Tom, mile heats, best three in five. . . .