The New York Times
Unsigned Notice
17 March 1853



  Mr. DOUGLAS further explained his views, and repeated that we should never make a treaty unless we can faithfully execute it. He did not argue in favor of violating any treaty. The Senator says we ought to love England, because she is our mother. Now it is hard to tell who our mother was. We have a great many mothers. We have here English, Irish, Scotch, French, Norman, Spanish, every kind of descent. All we have found valuable in England we have adopted, and that which was found injurious we have rejected. I did not speak in terms of unkindness to England, but in speaking of monuments, the point I made was this, that we should not shut our eyes to the fact that the policy which England is pursuing has its origins in hostility towards us, and is not to enhance our interests. While the Senator spoke of England pouring in her streams of refreshing intelligence, I thought that the streams of abolition, treason and insurrection, which she had poured into South Carolina, and the other slaveholding States of this Union, would at least excuse him from endorsing these streams of literature under the name of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and other works—[tremendous applause in the gallery and cries of "Good," "good"]—works libelling us and our institutions, and holding us up to the hate and prejudice of the world. While engaged in this, he was the last to compliment her for her refreshing streams of literature. [Renewed applause.]

  The CHAIR suppressed the disorder, and ordered the galleries to be cleared.

  Mr. ADAMS—I hope they will be cleared.

  Mr. DOUGLAS—I hope they will.

  Mr. BUTLER—When I spoke of gratitude, I spoke of those things in which we have a common interest. I do not thank the Senator, for going out of his way and indicating impure streams. I spoke of the streams which authors and orators have poured out upon us, which I hope have been refreshing to him and the intelligence of the age. I did not expect a miserable allusion to "Uncle Tom's Cabin," it was ad captandum and not manly made.

  Mr. DOUGLAS—I spoke in terms of reverence and respect of the monuments of statesmen in England, of patriotism, legal learning, science and literature,—of all that was great, noble, and admirable. I did not expect statesmen to go back two or three centuries to justify the aggressions of the present age. And when I heard the plaudits relative to the past, I thought I had a right to allude to the present enormities of England.

  Mr. BUTLER—I would like to know how England is responsible for "Uncle Tom's Cabin?" If the Senator takes the sickly sentimentality of the day as an exponent of the English heart and literature, very well. I alluded to our commercial relations with England, and our connection as a civilized nation, and would the Senator postpone her?

  Mr. DOUGLAS—I would postpone her, or give her a greater preference than other nations, but treat her as duty requires.

  Mr. BUTLER—We can find sickly sentimentality everywhere, such as the Maine Liquor law, and all that. [Laughter.] . . .