Anti-Slavery and Abolitionism in the TheatresWe perceive that "Uncle Tom's Cabin," the new novel, which has created such a sensation among the abolition circles of society, has been dramatized, and has received one or two representations in the National theatre. We also understand that some of its incidents have been versified and set to music, and that a new abolition song is being sung nighty by Wood's Minstrels, a nigger company, who have been exhibiting in the same line as Christy's troupe. The idea of introducing on the boards of a theatre, or concert room, the principles or the characters delineated in this novel, is of a reprehensible nature, and very dangerous in every point of view. The same reasons that exclude and prohibit the introduction of all political characters and political discussions and topics from the stage, ought also to operate in the strongest manner, to the exclusion of all subjects of so exciting and dangerous a character as anti-slavery. This is an improper subject for the drama. It is so mixed up and connected with the real affairs of society and government, that it is almost too tender and too delicate to be introduced in this way in public theatres, and was utterly uncalled for, since we can so very frequently be amused with the display of those abolition amateurs who have made certain roles in it their own. We shall wait, however, till we see what the true nature and character of these representations are. |