Unsigned Article
Brooklyn: 13 July 1853

Taken out of Court

  We consider the late Bible Convention at Hartford the signal of an important crisis. It was a feeble rally, a last kick, as you may say, against the Bible, and a manifest failure. Through all the great organs, the Tribune, National Era, &c., the voice of public opinion has declared itself on the other side. The enthusiasm with which Uncle Tom's Cabin is received through the world, is a popular expression in favor of the Bible.—The question of the validity of the Bible is being taken out of court, and settled for good and all. Litigation about it is coming to an end. There is good ground to assume that the question is settled already, not only by tradition and authority, but by fair discussion. The adversaries have had full liberty to blaspheme—to pick all the flaws possible, and make the most of them. The Bible has been under criticism and free discussion to the fullest extent, and holds the heart of the people yet, and more and more decisively and powerfully, because more intelligently.

  The tide not only of public opinion, but the tide of Providence and prosperity is evidently on the side of the Bible. The infidel party, on the other hand, are laboring under great embarrassments, and getting worse and worse. They are zealous and self-sacrificing, but in a dark and close position; and the best way they can do is to protest, and plod on their way in solemn gravity.