New York Observer and Chronicle
New York: 8 June 1854


  A special meeting of the New-York Association of Sunday School Teachers, will be held on Monday evening next, at a quarter before 8 o'clock, to consider the following preamble and resolution:--

  Whereas, Several of the theatres in the City of New-York have recently brought to the attention of the public, a dramatic representation of the work of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, entitled "Uncle Tom's Cabin," and other pieces of similar character, comprehended in what is called "The Moral Drama;" and

  Whereas, in the view of this body, the Theatre, with all its associations and influences, is evil and pernicious; and

  Whereas, Special efforts have been made to attract clergymen and professing Christians to the seats of the Theatre, for the purpose of witnessing this new product of the drama; and

  Whereas, We have heard that a number of professed Christians have been induced to visit the Theatre for the above-named purpose, thus lending their influence and example to this allurement of folly and dissipation:

  Resolved, That we earnestly and affectionately urge upon all professed followers of Christ to abstain from lending any countenance whatever to this new attempt to secure the patronage and support of the moral and Christian public for the theatre, and that we appeal to all who are connected with the Sunday School work to discourage every tendency toward such a movement.

  It is hoped there will be a full attendance of Superintendents and Teachers at this Special Meeting.