The Independent
A. Matthews
New York: 2 September 1852

For the Independent.



  One remark in this same letter of Dr. Bacon's surprised me: "That Christian men and women should deem Mrs. Stowe's inimitable story of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' a mischievous book." I am at a loss to know on what they ground their objections. Is the story too exciting? Must they be spared the mere record of these things, and must others be fined and imprisoned because the actual reality overcomes their prudence? Or do they dispute the facts? Two cases, in two successive years, occurred near me, which in my own view, were more revolting than that of Uncle Tom. In the first a woman was the murderer; the second was Colonel H., now General I think. He figured in the Mexican war, and his picture has been hawked about the country. Southern interests may yet find in him the most reliable man for president. My own physician, Dr. C., was present soon after the girl, his victim, was dragged from the cellar, her body covered with gashes, and in that hot climate, the gashes all alive.

  Mrs. Stowe is a perfect daguerrean artist. She seems to originate nothing. She just seizes upon the colors, and fixes them, giving us some perfectly life-like scenes. Nor do I deem, by any means, the delineations of slavery the only merit of the book. The living portraiture of Christianity given in Uncle Tom is invaluable. Readers of light literature will receive here some distinct impressions of what religion is. Some lives, I trust, will bear witness that Mrs. S. has done service to the cause of evangelical truth. Very respectfully,