The Pioneer; or, California Monthly Magazine
F. C. Ewer
San Francisco: April 1855


  THE very existence of an association, whose plans are conceived behind the impenetrable veil of secrecy,—whose growth is in the dark,—and whose might, exercised in quick succession upon towns, upon counties and upon states, threatens at last to grasp the whole Union and mould it to its will, is justly cause for alarm, unless the great end at which it aims, is known to be pure and worthy the plaudits of the patriot.

  . . . The hateful monster is well aware, that if the United States are allowed to continue on their course for fifteen years longer as an entire nation, our country will become too powerful for them to cope withal. It knows that if we are broken up, the pieces can be managed, one by one, with comparative ease. And its great object among us is to effect if possible, and as soon as possible, a dissolution of the Union. It is using the rabid abolitionists and the rabid secessionists towards its ends. It is exciting bitterness of feeling among us, wherever it can. And a certain great high priest in New York, who wields a wide influence, and the high priests of Boston, who nurse mobs in Fanueil Hall, and the authoress of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," are just as much the


veriest tools of the order against the glory of our country, and its moral influence in Europe as a great enlightened nation under a republican form of government, as is England in the present war.

  The plan to import by an arranged system, thousands of starving ones, and to scatter them among us—thousands, who they know will be useful, when their great hour for "interference" arrives, is perfected, and he who reads the papers, can see how admirably it is working. The late insult to Soulé was but a second blunder of the "Nephew of his Uncle," which, from its prematureness, it was necessary for the power behind the throne to patch up and smooth over.

  I could go on, but I have told enough. The dissolution of our Union! The moral effect of our country blown to the winds! What was I to do with this fearful secret! This damnable mine laid throughout our fair land to burst upon us unawares!—I thought over my acquaintances and friends. To whom was I to tell it? It tormented me night and day....