I went to New York city a month or two ago,
A hunting for dat lady, Aunt Harriet Becha Stowe;
I see'd de Abolitions dey said she'd gone away,
Dey told me in de city it was no use to stay.

She take away de dollars, and put 'em in her pocket,
She laid her hand upon it, and dar she safely lock it,
Dey said if Massa come for me, den dey would quickly meet,
Dey'd make a lion of me, and gib me 'nuf to eat.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Aunt Harriet Becha Stowe!
How could you leave de Country and sarve poor nigga so.

Dey treated dis here child, as doe I was a Turk,
Den tole me for to leave dem and go away to work;
I could 'nt get no work, I could 'nt get no dinner,
And den I wish dis Fugitive was back to ole Virginny.

Oh! when I was a picanin, Ole Uncle Tom would say,
Be true unto your Massa, and neber run away,
He tole me dis at home, he tole me dis at partin,
Ned, don't you trust de white folks, For dey am quite unsartin.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Aunt Harriet Becha Stowe!
How could you leave de Country and sarve poor nigga so.

Ole Massa's very kind ole Missus gentle too,
And much I love my Dinah in old Virginny true,
Now I'll go back and stay dar, and neber more will roam
Lor bress de Southern Ladies, and my old southern home!

But don't come back Aunt Harriet in England make a fuss,
Go talk against your Country, put money in your puss
And when us happy niggers you pity in your prayer,
Oh! dont forget de WHITE SLAVES dat starvin ober dare!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Aunt Harriet Becha Stowe!
How could you leave de Country and sarve poor nigga so.

Now de rules of dis here house don't 'mit of no encore,
So afore we go just listen, I'll sing you one verse more;
Aunt Harriet Beecha Stowe She tried to see de Queen,
But Victoria was too smart for her and could not be seen.

She den went ober to France, and tried to come it dere,
But de Empress and de Emperor, know'd 'zatly what dey were,
So de best way to fix it and hab it understood,
Is dat she left her Country for her own country's good.

Go! Go! Go! Aunt Harriet Becha Stowe!
I'se glad you left de Country and don't come back no more.
Aunt Harriet Becha Stowe

Written Expressly for
Kunkel's Nightingale Opera Troup
By Charles Soran
Music by John Hill Hewitt
Baltimore: Henry M. McCaffrey, 1853.
[Dedicated "To the readers of Uncle Tom's Cabin."]
[Three other editions of the sheet music for this song (all ©1853)
have been identified. It was published twice more in Baltimore,
by McCaffrey again (with a dedication to
"the estimable wife of
Ex President Tyler, and the other patriotic and Union loving ladies
of Virginia, who so justly rebuked Lady Sutherland and the Ladies
of England for their uncalled for meddling in the affairs of the people
of the United States," and by J. E. Boswell, with the caption
"As Sung by Mr. J. K. Search of Kunkel's Nightingale Opera
Troupe." It was also published by John Marsh, Philadelphia,
with a dedication to
"Mrs. Julia Gardiner Tyler."]

  Japher's "Original" SANDY RIVER MINSTRELS

Mark Meadows; TAMBOURINE AND VOCALS: Stephanie Meadows.

RECORDED at Landmark Recording Studio
1082 Rosslyn Road
Chesapeake, Ohio (740 867-5594)
Steve Hoffman, Production Engineer

© Copyright 1998
by Japher's "Original" SANDY RIVER MINSTRELS,
All rights reserved.

Audio encoding by Nathan Piazza
at the Digital Media Center,
Clemons Library, Univ. of Virginia