Little Eva, Song and Chorus.

As sung with great success in the
celebrated drama of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Arranged by J. P. Weston,
Melody by Linley.
Boston: White, Smith & Company, 1878.

Oh! gather round me, those I love,
My strength fades fast from me;
My heart, like some poor, wearied dove,
Now sighs at rest to be.
I'm going to the Spirits' Land,
Where Angels vigils keep;
I soon shall join that happy band,
I've gaz'd on through my sleep.

Oh pray that you may come to me,
When worldly troubles cease,--
Where souls unite, from sorrow free,
In Love, and Joy, and Peace.

This last, sad token of my love,
In mem'ry of me wear,
Oh, think I'm gone to heav'n above,
Eternal bliss to share.
I feel the friendly hand of death,
Upon my trembling heart;
Farewell! receive my latest breath,
In fondness ere we part.

  "I sent for you all because I love you; I love
you all; and I have something to say to you, which
I want you always to remember. * * * I am going to
leave you. * * * I want to give you something that,
when you look at, you shall always remember me.
I'm going to give all of you a curl of my hair;
and, when you look at it, think that I loved you,
and am gone to Heaven, and that I want to see
you all there."--Uncle Tom's Cabin.

LEAD VOCAL: Constance Harrington
    Constance Harrington (Soprano)
    Kay Buchanan (Alto)
    David Tate (Tenor)
    James Stewart (Bass)
PIANO: Lynne Mackey

Recorded by Bill Dudley
Produced by Bill Wellington

RECORDED at Mennonite Media
Harrisonburg, Virginia
©2007 Well-In-Tune, Inc., Staunton VA
All rights reserved.

Audio encoding at the Digital Media Lab,
Clemons Library, University of Virginia

Music for the Nation:
American Sheet Music,
The Library of Congress.

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