Detail of ad for Hutchinson Family Concert, New York Times, 1 November 1853:

Little Topsy's Song

Words by Eliza Cook
Music by Asa B. Hutchinson
Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1853.

[As sung by the Hutchinson Family
at their concerts throughout the Union.]

Topsy neber was born,
Neber had a moder;
Specks I growed a nigger brat,
Just like any oder.

Whip me till the blood pours down
Ole Missus used to do it;
She said she'd cut my heart right out
But neber could get to it,

Got no heart I don't belieb
Niggers do without 'em,
Neber heard of God or Love,
So can't tell much about 'em.

This is Topsy's savage song
Topsy's cute and clever,
Hurrah then for the white man's right
Slavery forever!

I 'spects I'se very wicked,
That's jist what I am;
Ony you jist give me a chance,
Won't I rouse ole Sam.

'Tain't no use in being good
Cos I'se black ye see,
I neber cared for nothing yet,
And nothing cares for me.

Ya! ya! ya! Miss Feely's hands
Dun know how to grip me
Neber likes to do no work
And won't widout they whip me.

This is Topsy's savage song
Topsy's cute and clever,
Hurrah then for the white man's right
Slavery forever!

Don't you die, Miss Evy,
Else I go dead too;
I knows I'se wicked, but I'll try
And be all good to you.

You have taught me better things,
Though I'se nigger skin,
You have found poor Topsy's heart
Spite of all its sin.

Don't you die Miss Evy dear,
Else I go dead too,
Though I'se black I'se sure that God
Will let me go wid you.

This is Topsy's human song
Under love's endeavor,
Hurrah then for the white child's work
Humanity forever!

LEAD VOCAL: Constance Harrington
    Constance Harrington (Soprano)
    Kay Buchanan (Alto)
    David Tate (Tenor)
    James Stewart (Bass)
PIANO: Lynne Mackey

Recorded by Bill Dudley
Produced by Bill Wellington

RECORDED at Mennonite Media
Harrisonburg, Virginia
©2007 Well-In-Tune, Inc., Staunton VA
All rights reserved.

Audio encoding at the Digital Media Lab,
Clemons Library, University of Virginia